I'm up at 9 AM on a Friday morning and don't have class until 12:30. What do I do? Go back to sleep? Clean my room? Do more homework? The answer is none of those. I'm reading Living Jerusalem blogs as some light reading material! I'm really getting into blogging and am far more comfortable expressing how I feel in this format. The other blogs have inspired me to write more about myself and to make it more personal. Not that I am that famous or that intriguing, but I guess it would be nice for someone reading my blog to know a bit about me and my perspective. In order to do so, I will list 4 fun facts about myself:
1. I have been to Jerusalem twice. It is truly a magical place and I would like to spend a period of 6 months in Israel.
2. I would also like to spend a chunk of time (by that I mean more than a solid month) in Barcelona, Florence, or Venice.
3. I'm trying to go on Semester at Sea in Spring 2014. Looking at the itinerary makes me drool and the "travel bug" that bit me when I was five years old starts bothering me again.
4. Writing about the Arab-Israeli conflict makes me nervous. I don't consider myself to be very knowledgeable about the subject and writing about it makes me sweat a little bit (actually sweat... too much sharing, I know). I'm trying to read about the history of the conflict on my own time and am asking various family members and friends who I consider to be well-versed in the subject.
This blogpost has been brought to you by: A large cup of Starbucks coffee (Starbucks did not actually endorse this post, although I wish that they did) and these 8tracks playlists:
I found the first link when I typed in "Israel" on 8-tracks. I'm pretty sure all the songs are in Hebrew but if you have any suggestions of Arabic music, I'm always open to suggestions.
The second link was the first entry when I looked up the word "Arab" because "Palestine" didn't come up. Trying to be diplomatic in my musical motivation as well.
Happy listening!
I understand what you mean when you say that it makes you nervous to talk about the conflict. I also get nervous because although I know a lot more today than I did 3 years ago when I started learning about it in college, there is still so much I don't know. The most important thing you can do is continue having conversations with people about the conflict to learn the different sides and form your own opinions as well as think of ways to create peace in Jerusalem and in Israel in general.